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Wiesenstrasse 1
8280 Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
Enterprise Identification Number UID: CHE-105.939.505
Commercial Register Number: CHE-105.939.505

E-Mail: support(ät)
Phone: +41 (0)71 672 57 57

Chairman: Mr. Karl Graf

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Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks on are protected under trademark law. This applies, in particular, to GRAF SKATES AG trademarks, type signets, company logos and emblems. The marks and design elements used on our sites are intellectual property of GRAF SKATES AG, Germany or third parties. This website does not grant a licence for use of intellectual property of GRAF SKATES AG or third parties.


The content on has been created with the greatest care possible, however we do not accept any liability or any guarantee for the completeness, timeliness, accuracy of the website’s content.

Content and offers may be changed at any time and without prior notice. In no circumstances we shall accept any liability for any damage which may ensue, either directly or indirectly, from visiting our website or a download from our website. GRAF SKATES AG inspects linked websites at the time of linking for possible violations of law, so far as is possible and reasonable. As we do not have impact on changes of the content on aforementioned websites, we shall no accept any liability for their content. Responsibility for the content of the linked websites lies exclusively with their operator/operators.